The purpose of the Self-Assessment is to help you to understand what areas you will be assessed on during the Theory and Practical Assessments.  If there are criteria within the Self-Assessment where you are not confident, it is in your interest not to enrol into the program until you have increased your expertise in those areas; otherwise you may find you do not pass the assessment.

Once the Self-Assessment has been successfully completed, you will be asked to formally enrol in the Certified Locator Program and make payment. During the enrolment process you will need to:

  • Input the serial number of the Locator, Transponder Locator and Gas Detector you will use during the practical assessment
  • Upload your photo

After successful enrolment, you will receive your log-in details via email and can proceed to the Theory Assessment.

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CERTLOC LTD is ISO 9001 certified

CERTLOC is proud to have achieved ISO 9001 Certification of quality management system standards for the provision of the Certified Locator, Certified Locating Organisation Program, the delivery of the Pre-Excavation Management Course and Skills Development Program.