In addition to being a CERTLOC Certified Locator, locators need to be accredited with Optus to be able to access the Optus network. This is required to meet our legal and WHS requirements.
For all Optus Locator Accreditation enquiries please contact Peter Godschalk at [email protected]

To access the Telstra network for locating purposes, a CERTLOC Certified Locator needs to be registered with a Certified Locating Organisation.
Apart from Telstra and Optus, there are many other utilities that require only CERTLOC Certified Locators to access their assets. Please contact us for a full list.

In order to become a CLO, you (the locating company) sign a formal agreement with CERTLOC Ltd – who administers the program on behalf of the Utility or Network provider:

  • Demonstrating that your certified locating team is appropriately skilled to identify whatever network type may be present onsite, i.e. are CERTLOC Certified.
  • That you are using up-to-date and properly calibrated asset location and gas detection equipment.
  • That you have the safety equipment to detect unsafe conditions and are able to deal with them.
  • That your company carries business insurance appropriate to plant location type work for the protection of your clients, the infrastructure and your business.

Download Application Form
Complete CLO Application Online
Download CLO Overview Document

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CERTLOC LTD is ISO 9001 certified

CERTLOC is proud to have achieved ISO 9001 Certification of quality management system standards for the provision of the Certified Locator, Certified Locating Organisation Program, the delivery of the Pre-Excavation Management Course and Skills Development Program.