
Delivering safe and best locating practice is a priority for us

With five years of locating experience under his belt Aaron Soetens, from Dynamic Hydro Excavations, decided to go next level and become a Certified Locator.

“With locating I’m always learning something new. So, it made sense to take the next step and get that formal recognition.

“With the support of my workplace I’m now part of our industry’s effort to promote locating best practice and set myself apart from DIY locators,” explains Aaron.

One of the best things Aaron finds about locating is also one of his most challenging – and that’s distortion caused by multiple underground services.

“When there’s banks of conduits criss-crossing over each other’s path, it causes interference and overcoming that makes for a more challenging locate. But then that’s part of the problem-solving aspect that I enjoy about mapping services,” said Aaron.

“The job also takes me to some really cool and interesting places like old building sites, huge warehouses and even the odd adventure to a subtropical island,” said Aaron.

The job also has its moments. One of those was coming face-to-face with a brown snake when working in a pit. Knowing his own limits, Aaron called on the services of snake catcher to ‘relocate’ the curious critter.

While taking care of personal safety is a priority, so too is contributing to workplace safety and making sure any locate job is carried out with care and attention to detail.

“For me it’s not just about the satisfaction of doing the job right, it’s also about keeping my work mates safe so they also get home safe. Delivering safe and best locating practice is a priority for us,” said Aaron.

When asked about any tips for others interested in locating or becoming certified, Aaron says the more training the better – and recommends getting that certification and help cut out the cowboys.

Congratulations Aaron on becoming a Certified Locator. You’re now part of a small but growing community who delivers locating best practice and help protect the complex underground network that delivers essential services to cities, towns and regional and remote communities across Australia.

Find out more about becoming a Certified Locator here.

To contact a Certified Locator for your next project search here.

Connect with Aaron on LinkedIn.  

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CERTLOC LTD is ISO 9001 certified

CERTLOC is proud to have achieved ISO 9001 Certification of quality management system standards for the provision of the Certified Locator, Certified Locating Organisation Program, the delivery of the Pre-Excavation Management Course and Skills Development Program.