Locate Management Institute

Hydrovacing and Facility Verification

2HRS (self-paced) / Online $49 ex GST

This short course aims to develop safe hydrovacing and facility identification and verification skills as part of effective ground disturbance practices.

Hydrovacing, also known as Hydro Excavation or Vacuum Excavation, is a safe non-destructive method to excavate around existing underground services. This process uses high-pressure water and industrial strength vacuum to carefully break up and remove soil and, therefore, reduce potential expensive damage to existing underground power, water, gas, sewer, telecommunication and/or any other utilities.


Course Outline

Anyone who needs hydrovacing training or needs to understand safe hydrovacing and facility identification and verification procedures as part of safe ground disturbance process. This includes supervisors, locators, excavator, project managers or any onsite worker. For Certified Locators who take this course, you will earn 10 CEU points towards the renewal of your Certification.

  • Self-paced online learning
  • Six units of learning
  • Online quiz after each topic and a final exam – – Receive a Certification of Completion

1-2 hours (self-paced)

  • Hydrovac excavation
  • Hydrovac procedures for utility crossings and trenchless crossings, as the primary means of excavation and for managing hazardous spills or leaks
  • Pot holes
  • Slot and sloped trenches
  • Identification and verification/validation procedures as per applicable regulatory requirements and industry best practices

By completing the online Hydrovacing and Facility Verification course, you will gain an understanding of the following topics:

  1. Hydrovac procedures
  2. Hydrovac slots at utility crossings
  3. Hydrovac procedures for trenchless crossings
  4. Hydrovacing as the primary means of excavation
  5. Hydrovac procedures for spills and leaks
  6. Facility identification and verification

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CERTLOC LTD is ISO 9001 certified

CERTLOC is proud to have achieved ISO 9001 Certification of quality management system standards for the provision of the Certified Locator, Certified Locating Organisation Program, the delivery of the Pre-Excavation Management Course and Skills Development Program.