2-Day Underground Asset Location Program

2-Day / face-to-face On request

The 2-Day Underground Asset Location Course is designed to de-risk worksites and protect assets by upskilling your workforce. This comprehensive program provides participants with in-depth training on identifying, locating, and protecting subsurface utilities. The course covers essential skills for accurately locating underground services before excavation or cabling works, helping to prevent costly damage and ensure safety. The program combines theoretical knowledge with practical components and helps establish a reliable and repeatable locating procedure.

To request a quote, please contact us.

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CERTLOC LTD is ISO 9001 certified

CERTLOC is proud to have achieved ISO 9001 Certification of quality management system standards for the provision of the Certified Locator, Certified Locating Organisation Program, the delivery of the Pre-Excavation Management Course and Skills Development Program.